If you missed the transatlantic edition of our series of “Feminist Political Ecology”-Dialogues, worry no more. Both sessions are now available online in our YouTube channel. The presentations and debates were held in Spanish.
The event, held online in November 4th, with scholars, activists and local government actors from Spain, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay discussed critically on the theme of “livable cities” from a feminist political ecology perspective and with a focus on socio-environmental justice. Topics such as water politics and integrated management, urban greening, food sharing and the commons, urban and planetary health in times of pandemic, and ‘right to the city’ approaches were discussed throughout two sessions: “Gobernanza y políticas públicas rumbo a las ciudades vivibles” and “Flujos entre territorios: el caso del agua”.
A few of the speakers at “Ecología Política Feminista y Ciudades Vivibles: Diálogos Transatlánticos” were Silvana Pissano (mayor of Municipio B in Montevideo), Amaranta Herrero Cabrejas (strategic coordinator of Proyecto Barcelona Capital Mundial de la Alimentación Sostenible 2021), Blanca Valdivia (founding partner of Col·lectiu Punt 6). WEGO-ITN Early Stage Researchers Marlene Gomes, Nick Bourguignon, Anna Katharina Voss also presented their work, as well as our Panagiota Kotsila (BCNUEJ) and Sergio Villamayor Tomás (Autonomous University of Barcelona).