Food security summer studies in Italy

Food Security and Resilience 

Bolsena, 25 May – 5 June 2020 

Tulane University food security summer studies in Italy

Residential course (graduate, 3 credits) with full board accommodation, domestic transportation, and excursions. Limited places available for non-Tulane participants. Admissions end on 20 March 2020. 

Food and nutrition security through system thinking 

This course will examine the impacts of globalizing food systems on food and nutrition security at local, household, and intra-household levels. This topic is especially relevant now because of the increased policy attention and resources for programming that are focused on promoting improved food security, nutrition and sustainability 

This course will provide students with the analytical skills for identifying the elements of resilient food systems and the outcomes of food and nutrition security access to organizations prominent in international food security policy discussions, and a backaround in readings relative to this debate.

Specifically, the course analyzes global economic and political dynamics that continue to transform modern food systems and food habits. Stresses and strains that increasingly threaten the resilience of food systems such as climate change, transboundary pests and disease, price volatility and resource competition are identified and discussed.

Industrialized food systems are compared with each other as well as other food systems found around the world in order to explore the structures and relationships that produce resilience or system fragility. Throughout the course, special attention is given to the role of gender in policy, nutrition standards, and historical gender roles vis-à-vis food system resilience and food programs that allest lood and nutrition relations to nutritional outcomes. 

Field visits and case studies

The course is based in Italy, since the Rome-based food agencies of the United Nations provide an unparalleled opportunity for Students to meet and learn from the professionals who research, create normative guidance, and design and evaluate food programs that affect food and nutrition security throughout the world. The course will include thematic visits to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Bioversity International, and the European Food Safety Agency. Speakers from other organizations (the United Nations World Food Programme, the University of Tuscia, and additional international non-governmental organizations will give lectures at the Bolsena Campus.

More information 


Tulane admissions:

Info on course and external admissions:,, 

More info on accomodation and logistic arrangements:,, 

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