In November 2020, mentor Chizu Sato and WEGO-ITN researcher Nanako Nakamura presented a paper in the Liviana 2020 + CERN (Community Economies Research Network) webinar.
From the #Liviana2020 and #Cern website:
Postcapitalist framing, as suggested by J.K. Gibson-Graham, involves ethical, caring and interdependent community engagements to articulate shared concerns around commons and commoning process. In another (and sometimes overlapping) conversation, feminist approaches pay critical attention to gender and other intersecting power relations in their examination of collective forms of livelihood production. Combining these conversations, this panel uses postcapitalist feminist approaches to shed light on entangled interdependencies between human and more-than-human earth others found around the collective livelihood practices of indigenous single women in rural India and those of women in aging rural Japan. This panel asks: how are commons and commoning processes embodied in women’s collective livelihood practices?; how are they shaped by and are shaping diverse socio-ecological and economic relations?; and how are different bodies, labouring/economic practices and socio-ecological interdependencies interacting in diverse settings and, thereby enacting commons and ways of commoning?
The session consists of two papers.
Paper 1: Enacting Postcapitalist Feminist Praxis with adivasi (indigenous) single women farmers in India by Bhavya Chitranshi,
Paper 2: Multispecies commoning in aging and depopulating rural Japan: a postcapitalist feminist political ecologies perspective by Nanako Nakamura (corresponding author) & Chizu Sato (both WEGO-ITN members)
You can watch the full session here: